At the ripe old age of 14, Jenny Hancox is already being described as a Hall Green Little Theatre regular.

She had the central role in last year's Goldilocks and took the lead in HGLT Youth Theatre's production of 17 - and this time round she is to be seen as the teenage daughter in Nobody's Perfect, the comedy by Simon Williams with which the Pemberley Road group opens its season on Friday next week.

The plot involves Leonard, a wannabe author, who gets nothing but rejection slips until a feminist publisher accepts his latest offering.

Unfortunately for him, she insists that any book she publishes has to be written by a woman for women, which is why he has submitted the manuscript under a pseudonym. There are further complications when he falls for the lady in question, leading to a crop of mistaken identities.

Roy Palmer directs the production, which runs until September 24.