There is yet another new offering in the online casino world and it goes by the name of Ace Live Casino. Ace Live are using the well-respected and increasingly popular Visionary Igaming platform, the software focuses on live streaming games from casinos around the globe for you to place your bets on, currently Ace Live is only offering live dealer games from Dublin and Costa Rica, but more live games may be added in the future seeing as the casino is currently only in the soft launch phase and there are still one or two kinks to be worked out. The Casino goes officially live on October 10th, but in the meantime the casino is fully functional if anybody wishes to give it a try. 

The Casino itself holds a Costa Rican gaming license which is not ideal, but the platform itself comes highly endorsed and some live games (we’re not allowed to tell you which) actually resulted in the houses running the software losing over the course of the year. The key selling points to the software aside from the fact that it’s live are the fact that there is no download required, no credit details requested on sign up and the fact that you can play multiple games at once, the last point is the one we are going to focus on because it is a little more interesting. 

We tested out the claim that you can play multiple games at once and it is true to an extent, however if you want to play 3 live streaming games at once you will need an incredible internet connection and have it all to yourself, however if you want to play a slot game and one of the live games you should have no problems at all and this is quite fun, especially seeing as you can play one free game and one cash game, so if you get a croupier who is a little slow at setting up their roulette wheel you can pass the waiting time messing with a slot machine if it takes your fancy. The casino may be worth a look if you’re bored, but if you’re a bonus hunter best off going elsewhere the 100% deposit bonus isn’t the best available.