A lack of skills and "theoretical understanding" has created substandard special education needs teaching in this country according to Andrew Sutton.

In short, our most vulnerable citizens are left in the hands of people who are not up to the job and have no vision about what they are meant to be doing.

As such the 65-year-old, who has spent most of his life working in the field, believes the current special schools vs mainstream argument masks a much bigger problem.

"'Situational inclusion' is a wellknown phrase. You have put the child there but what is he getting?" he said.

"You don't send an ordinary kid to school to be able to say 'he is in that school'. You say I want the teachers to teach him and him to learn.

"If you have brought up a disabled child you spend the first four or five years beginning to learn about the mixture that comes out of a child's development. You know what works for him and what doesn't.

"It has taken a long time. You are being asked at the age of four or five to hand that over to other people who are dealing with umpteen other kids who don't have the time and don't know what to do."

Mr Sutton, founder of the Moseleybased National Institute for Conductive Education, points to the US, where the concept of rights for all means schools must have suitably qualified staff or risk getting sued.

"In the US you wouldn't be able to get away with teaching these kids by saying you have no one qualified to them," he said.

"You would make damn sure that among your staff there are several people with a relevant endorsement to their teaching qualification. If they don't provide it you can sue them.

"Once you start getting basic bread and butter issues like that beginning to be in place then the decision about closing down special schools and putting them in mainstream schools is a totally different situation.

"The system gets them off the hook here."

In this country a lack of training - some teacher training courses devote as little as a day to it - and confusion over what special education is, creates a messy picture, according Mr Sutton.

"There is no concept of a special needs pedagogy in this country," he said.

"If there were, would you be talking about a physically disabled lad with the same terminology as a big 14-year-old who is bashing teachers about?

"If you lump them all together statistically for policy decisions and set up everything on that basis you are dealing with a pseudo-category."

With the current emphasis on behaviour, Mr Sutton believes often when Ministers talk about special educational needs they mean unruly youngsters.

"It is these that they are opening new schools for," he said.

"There is a market for badly behaved children."

The inclusion drive has resulted in the demise of qualifications specifically for teaching disabled children, apart from the blind and the deaf, said Mr Sutton.

Those that are left, are literally a dying breed.

The 65-year-old believes it is time for another enquiry talking to parents, charities, teachers and other concerned bodies to find out the best way forward.

"The last commission was by Mary Walnock. She has been going around saying her committee got it wrong.

"Parents have been complaining for years about statementing, the injustice, the meanness of the process.

"The Audit Commission said the same a few years ago. It said it was intrinsically unworkable.

"What we need is a fundamental review. It just doesn't work. Parents are very resentful because of that."