Denise Badland, a former nurse who lives in Coventry, believes it is ultimately the patient?s right to decide how and when to end their life...

As a Christian and former nurse living with multiple sclerosis, dying is something I have had to think about carefully.

For the present time I love my life very much and I get great comfort from my Christian faith. However, my illness is progressive, and I am well aware of what the future may hold.

When my time comes, I want to be able to go peacefully, with dignity, and without needless suffering.

It would give me great reassurance to know that I could call upon the option of medical assistance to die if my suffering became unbearable. A good death is one I feel sure a compassionate God would allow me.

If I were suffering unbearably with a terminal illness, but still able to make sound decisions, God would not wish to see me suffer.

Ultimately, it is possible I would not take up the option of medical help to die.

In Oregon, in the United States, just having the choice of medical help to die if their suffering becomes too much is something that makes the prospect of dying more bearable for those with terminal illnesses.

But in Britain we have no choice. Diane Pretty, who suffered with and died from motor neurone disease, said: ?I have no rights?. God knows she fought for them.

Our cruel law has forced more than 30 people abroad to Switzerland for medical help to die. This shames Britain.

I hate the idea of dying people making awful final trips to die in a strange place away from their loved ones.

Some compassionate doctors do help dying patients and risk prosecution. They have to do so secretly. Nobody knows if there is abuse. The lack of scrutiny and safeguards means we cannot even be sure it was what the patient wanted.

So we should be honest and open to protect vulnerable people, and have safeguards instead of secrecy. In Oregon, there are no reported abuses.

Life is precious. Dying is part of life. I want us all to be able to die well when our time comes, in the way we personally feel is most appropriate.

How can we be treated compassionately if our dying wishes are ignored?

While I do not expect everybody to agree with my choice, I would like them to respect it, as I respect others? choices.