Dear Editor, Has Mandelson been brought into the Cabinet for his “experience” on world trade or dirty tricks?

If the British public want further evidence that Alastair Campbell and Mandelson are back on the spin in 10 Downing Street, it is in the vindictive vendetta of George Osborne at a time of Labour pains in the Government, shown on Brown’s face.

And which is being exploited, like the weapons of mass destruction to manipulate us into believing something that is not true and used as a distraction from the mire into which Brown and his New Labour has led us.

Even if Osborne did accept £50,000 this sum is irrelevant to the £700,000,000,000 borrowed debt to which Brown has just landed us with.

I notice the BBC has led the way on this Osborne vindictive vendetta, just as they did for Blair and Campbell, before the Iraq war; further proof that the BBC is no longer politically impartial. Propaganda is a very insidious and destructive mechanism to manipulate the public. It was used in communism and during the war to great effect. We must be aware.

It is symbolic that New Labour MPs today are calling for more public toilets; all of this on a day when jobs are being lost by the thousand; homes are being repossessed and we have record debt and Brown as a responsible Prime Minister, the reason for all of this, has the temerity to call the Osbourne affair “very serious” and calls for an investigation by the authorities.

Shouldn’t the authorities time be spent on other important matters as to why he has not been so prudent as he made out to be?

DJ Wathen,
Salford Prior, Nr Evesham.


Keeping us Posted on city’s cultural life

Dear Editor, I was pleased to see John Madin’s piece in the October 9 edition of the Post. I do hope that the new Post will give due weight to Birmingham’s many other cultural legacies which I believe are often disregarded by council leaders keen to push ever “forward”. For example, the astonishing nineteenth century classical musical tradition fostered by the new Town Hall, and the scientific one left by the Lunar men in Soho where today only their house can be seen. There are many historic buildings, such as Moseley Road Baths and the Friends Institute that are now being starved of loving care. Once they are gone they are gone for ever.

Alan Clawley.


Ring and no Ride

Dear Editor, On October 12 I requested Ring and Ride, the organisation devoted to provide transport for the elderly and disabled, to provide a vehicle in the evening of today to take me to and from a hotel in the National Exhibition complex for a meeting organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry, about 20 minutes journey.

I found on arrival yesterday evening a curt note saying that they do not accept faxed forms, only if sent through the Post Office mail! I now have an awkward rail journey via Birmingham, double the direct distance, taking over an hour.

Perhaps the organisers of the local Ring and Ride may insist in future that faxed requests on their official forms may be sent only by pigeon post.

Dr H Warson,