A conference about equal opportunities for homosexuals working for the police is to be held tomorrow.

The force's Rainbow Network National Conference, called Right From the Inside, is being held at the Tally Ho! Centre. The network works towards equal opportunities for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered employees of West Midlands Police.

The conference organisers are expecting 80 people from police forces across the country and Chief Constable of West Midlands Police, Paul Scott-Lee, is to attend.

The keynote speech will be given by Professor Sir Ronald DeWitt, who is the chief executive of Her Majesty's Courts Service.

He will talk about how the police can work more effectively with the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered communities.

Chairman of the Rainbow Network and conference organiser, PC Jim Field, said: "If we can find any ways to make improvements within the force, they can be continued into the wider community."