Dear Editor, Following the fantastic news that the proposed High Speed 2 (HS2) route will be brought into central Birmingham, with an Interchange station near the NEC, work must begin in earnest to ensure satisfactory integration of the stations and lines into the Birmingham conurbation.

The development of Eastside should not be jeopardised by effectively sterilising the area around the route ‘just in case’ HS2 comes to Birmingham. The line is not likely to be operational before 2026 and therefore development in this part of the city centre may be stymied until the final route and terminus is confirmed.

By liaising with the Department for Transport, Birmingham City Council could fix the position of the station now. This would allow Eastside to continue its development, which has only just recently gathered significant momentum.

By terminating HS2 at Curzon Park, a few hundred metres further east than proposed, Birmingham City University and the new city centre park can continue unabated with only the student accommodation being sacrificed.

Matthew P Bott,
Jewellery Quarter,