I have decided, Wolves are like women.

Look at the facts, not wishing to be sexist but they are both annoying, unpredictable, irrational, and totally exasperating.

No matter how much you love them they still cause you loads of grief.

They both demand a lot of your time at the weekend.

Both are financially well supported, but both have wasted plenty of money in the past on bad buys.

They both make you tear your hair out. They both empty your wallet.

You need a good stiff drink to cope with them.

When there is nothing left to play for, Wolves finally start winning.

When it's too late to go out, a woman finally announces she is ready.

Anyway, all that aside. Let me be serious for a minute. It's so annoying to see Wolves continuing to win. It just makes you realise that this season needn't have been such a monumental waste of time.

We should be in Sunderland's position now, celebrating promotion to the Premiership. What an absolute waste.

We will bounce back though. We are showing signs of real quality and I honestly believe we will walk this league next season.

It's always next season with us lot in Gold and Black though isn't it?

It all sounds so familiar! n What do you think? Let me know at steve_ wollaston@mrn.co.uk.