Birmingham's weather centre faces the axe under Met Office proposals to close its regional offices.

Unions and MPs have warned the changes will affect services and businesses in the West Midlands that rely on accurate forecasts.

But the Met, an agency of the Ministry of Defence, said advanced computer technology meant it could now predict weather across the country from a national headquarters in Exeter.

A final decision will be made by Defence Minister Dan Touhig in September.

The Birmingham office, near the National Exhibition Centre, employs 17 people.

It is one of six regional offices providing forecasts based on information from computers in Exeter, which is interpreted by scientists here.

Clients include Government departments, such as the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, which passes information on to farmers.

Health services are alerted about periods of very hot or very cold weather, both of which can lead to heavy demand on services.

The Met office also advises businesses.

For example, supermarkets use weather predictions to decide whether to stock up on ice cream or soft drinks.

The Birmingham facility also specialises in predicting conditions on highways and roads.

MP Gisela Stuart (Lab Edgbaston) said it was important local expertise was available.

She said: "If you drive from Worcester into Birmingham on the M5, you notice it has got colder by the time you reach Frankley Service Station. This is the sort of local knowledge that local people have, and it seems to me it is essential for accurate forecasting.

"The Met Office should only make these changes if it really is certain that local knowledge won't be lost."

A Met Office spokesman said: "These proposals have gone out to consultation with unions and clients, and nothing has been decided.

"If the centralisation does go ahead, some staff could still remain in local offices in order to meet clients personally and present forecasts."

Prospect, the union representing 1,300 scientists, forecasters and other staff at the Met Office, has written to Mr Touhig, calling for the plans to be delayed.

Spokesman Jim Cooper said: "The union does not accept that the proposals are in the best interests of the Met Office or the UK.

"Management has proceeded with this plan in an effort to balance the books, rather than after a thorough assessment of the value of the centres to the communities they are located in and the industries they serve."