Birmingham office workers will be offered a footwash and shoe-shine by the city's Acting Bishop, the Right Rev Michael Whinney this week in a bid to beat the chocolate and 'fluffy bunnies' culture dominating the Easter festival.

The shoe-shine has been organised to celebrate Maundy Thursday - the day when Jesus washed his disciples' feet at the Last Supper - on the evening before his crucifixion.

People walking past St Philip's in Cathedral Square, off Colmore Row, will also be offered a hot drink as part of the Maundy Encounter.

The Rev Canon Peter Howell-Jones, who is organ-ising the event, said: "We hope that a small act of kindness will raise awareness of a significant Christian Holy Day.

"Easter, Good Friday and Maundy Thursday are hugely important to the church but their meaning has been lost in a rush of Easter Eggs and fluffy bunnies."