Dear Editor, The astonishing proposals from the Conservative council, potentially imposing total centralised control of all funding, by removing the limited local control now in place, has finally confirmed our many fears about devolution structures not supported by parliamentary legalisation.

It is hardly surprising that Mike Whitby and his cabinet are having difficulties in attempting to persuade the Black Country councils to set up a centralised Local Enterprise Partnership, in view of the already over-centralised mess that they already preside over, and are now adding to.

For many years, many of us have called for more independence for Birmingham constituencies in the form of legalised district, or borough councils.

It has been quite obvious that our already over centralised structure would turn to the outer suburbs to fund its inner city problems.

We have continually raised this, and it’s now happened. Divide the city into four parts yes, but as legalised independent borough councils, not as dilapidated under-funded suburbs.

Constituency meetings have long revealed problems related to the lack of genuine localised power, and the real answer is to break this system of government into four legalised self governing sectors, with full responsibility for their own funding. Only politicians that are blind to democratic principles could consider going in the opposite direction to an already over-centralised chaos.

All localised developments in our constituencies will all be up for grabs by the type of centralised control envisaged.

These proposals are derived from this government’s policy alone, and fly in the face of its wider proclamations.

When will our politicians realise that the reform required is greater devolution into four legalised borough councils, not the over centralised, undemocratic, chaotic mess, that is – yes – their Birmingham.

Ken Rushton

Chairman Vesey North Neighbourhood

Forum-Sutton Coldfield