If you have oil central heating you know where the money is going.

If it cost you £200 to top up your tank last autumn, the price is £283 this time. Petrol costs 17.5 per cent more than it did last September, according to National Statistics, but there is no tax to mask what has happened to heating oil. "Liquid fuels" have gone up by 41.5 per cent.

That is the way it was when the miners beat Ted Heath and anyone who lived on the gas grid and scrapped their oil boiler recouped the cost in just two or three years.

This winter there will be no way to keep warm cheaply. Taken together, all kinds of domestic fuel and light cost 13 per cent more than they did a year ago and rose by no less than 1.3 per cent just between August and September.

And you cannot blame it all on games the hedge funds are playing with oil futures --water bills are up 13 per cent year on year. Thank the regulator.

At the end of all that, though, the remarkable thing about yesterday's inflation numbers is how little the oil shock of 2005 has spilled over into prices generally.

"All goods" as classified by NS cost just 0.7 per cent more than they did a year ago - and petrol and heating oil are goods, after all.

It may not feel like that if you don't spend much of your money on computers, cameras and plasma-screen TV, whose prices are down by anything from 13 to 22 per cent.

And if you are trying to sell ladies clothes, it may not seem as if there is much money left over for looking smart. I passed a GAP store yesterday with "mid-season sale" stickers plastered all over a window display of autumn fashions - before we have had a single autumn day worth the name.

As to services, they have inflated by 4.5 per cent, little more than the average earnings of the people who provide them - even though "services" includes transporting everything and everyone who needs to be transported in oil-fuelled vehicles.

All in all, it could be worse. It may get worse.

But so far there is precious little evidence of oil prices spilling over into other prices or, worse, a round of pay claims trying to get ahead of the next twist of inflation.

That is what the Bank of England says it is watching out for. But there is no reason yet to suppose that another interest rate cut has fallen off the agenda.

There will be a price to pay for the Government's spinelessness, but it may be no bad thing that the public sector unions are kept busy defending their members' right to retire at 60.