The National Skills Academy for Manufacturing is claiming a successful first year.

It is the body developed by employers in 2007 as a centre of excellence to tackle the skills priorities of the UK manufacturing sector.

It has validated the skills of over 350 trainers and assessors. It has now announced two new partnerships.

The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, which represents 80,000 engineers, will recognise all training programmes from the Skills Academy, which means these will now count towards qualification for Incorporated and Chartered Engineer status.

And it is working with Warwick Manufacturing Group on a new method of skills development.

The Skills Academy, based on Birmingham Business Park at Solihull, was set up last January in response to the recommendations of the 2006 Leitch Review.

This called for a focus on demand-led skills - skills and training programmes developed in-line with the requirements of manufacturing employers.

It says it has focused much of its first year on engaging with manufacturing employers across the UK - more than 250 so far - to better understand what industry wants from training content and providers. It has also begun identifying existing examples of world class skills development and delivery - pockets of excellence which need to be recognised and promoted as best practice.

The aim is to deliver an independent national standard for manufacturing training preparation, content, delivery and follow-up.

Bob Gibbon, managing director of the National Skills Academy for Manufacturing, said: "We have achieved a great deal. We have identified, championed and begun integrating examples of quality manufacturing training. Critically, we have become the organisation offering employers and employees a clearer pathway for using better manufacturing skills to boost productivity and growth for the sector and the economy.

"Our success is vital for the future of the industry in the UK and we are already making an impact. We expect to make a bigger one in 2008 as we start to roll out new training products that we have developed with the sector to benefit business."

The Lotus work involved identifying the right training for 300 employees while it helped Land Rover train up more than 50 employees.