Law-firm Mills & Reeve has appointed the Newhall Medical Practice to serve as company doctor for its Birmingham office.

It will provide health screening services to senior staff and a GP service for staff.

Mills & Reeve HR advisor in Birmingham, Vicky Lloyd said: "The concept of a company doctor might be seen as an old fashioned idea, but now more than ever businesses are realising how closely health is linked to performance."

Dr Richard Newland of the Newhall Medical Practice said: "When you look at absence figures in the workplace they do have an impact on productivity and morale. If a member of staff has a recurrent health problem which cannot be resolved with their current doctor, an onsite service which is receptive to their needs can take the time to get to the bottom of the problem without the necessity to take time off work to attend appointments."

This new service is another step in the development of Newhall Medical Practice, which was set up in 2003.

With the new arrangement, Mills & Reeve staff can consult with a doctor or nurse 9-5pm five days a week.