Catalyst Corporate Finance is celebrating one of its most successful years having completed 25 deals worth over £1 billion.

The last 12 months has seen the firm deliver several major deals out of its Midlands offices, across a number of sectors.

They include the sales of Soreen, Allen Ford and Williams Medical Supplies, plus private equity investments into ITG and Wellbeing Software.

Recent investment to broaden the service offering has also borne fruit, including the creation of a debt capital markets team.

Andy Currie, managing partner at Catalyst, said: “We are delighted our approach to delivering transactions has achieved such outstanding results for our clients and our own business.

“When selling a business we believe that value is best obtained by focusing on the clearly strategically interested buyers, investing time in those parties to drive value, rather than hoping someone from a longer list will step forward. “This has significant benefits for our clients ranging from increased confidentiality through to more expedient deal timescales and less disruption to the business.”