There are hundreds of great tips to help you save money or minimise your outgoings, but not all are great for both the environment and your wallet. As these money saving tips show, going green for the sake of your bank account can be simple too. For a greener world in more ways than one, follow these five piggy bank busting tips.

Ticket to ride

The benefits of walking or cycling rather than driving or taking public transport are clear. It’s cheaper, healthier and better for the environment. It may not be feasible to complete all journeys by bike or on foot, but shorter distances can be covered by a bit of old fashioned exercise. Second hand bikes can be picked up relatively cheaply, and a bike’s running costs are relatively low compared to the costs of petrol, car maintenance or public transport season tickets.

If you think a bike will save you money in the long run but you’re struggling to buy one upfront, you may choose to pay for it on credit using a bank overdraft, short-term loan or credit card. You may be able to borrow the money from a short-term loan company such as They offer loans up to £400. If accepted for a loan, the money will usually be sent to your bank account in 15 minutes. Their service is online, 24/7 and fully automated. The application process usually only takes a few minutes and you’ll usually receive an on-screen decision once you’ve finished your application.     

Say goodbye to standby

Leaving electronics on unnecessarily is a big waste of cash and energy. Every time you go to bed, work or on holiday, make sure your appliances are switched off completely. This means switching things off at the plug if you really want to save. As well as wasting energy, electronics left on standby can also help rack up your utility bills.  Most of us are at work or asleep for the majority of the day, so we’re paying to run appliances we simply aren’t using.

Save water, save money

A water bill isn’t one of the most costly household expenses, but it’s one of the easiest to reduce. By turning your taps off quicker, using your hose less, taking shorter showers or fewer baths, you could drastically reduce your water and heating bills over the course of a year. Also make sure you fix any leaking taps, washing machines or pipes otherwise you’ll just be throwing money down the drain.

Can’t stand the heat, turn it down Washing your dirty laundry at 30C is an excellent way to conserve energy, help the planet and lower the cost of your electricity bill. Most clothes get clean just fine at a lower heat, and washing detergents work effectively too. Make sure you only turn the washing machine on when it’s full as well. Extra washes will waste water and electricity, meaning higher utility bills.

Say goodnight to unnatural light

Make sure blinds and curtains are completely open during the day and only use your lights when it’s totally dark outside. This simple tip will save you money on your electricity bills and light bulb purchases, as well as helping the environment. Make sure you also turn the lights off when you leave a room to save the pennies and the planet at the same time.