Let’s not have any more referendums.

There was a time when British politicians opposed referendums on principle.

Margaret Thatcher, for example, spoke out against plans for a referendum on EU membership in 1975, arguing that Parliamentary democracy was superior to direct rule by the people.

She said: “Perhaps the late Lord Attlee was right when he said that the referendum was a device of dictators and demagogues.”

The referendum went ahead despite her concerns (she campaigned in favour of EU membership, in her role as Leader of the Opposition), but it was a rare occurrence in British political life.

Tony Blair, the former Labour Prime Minister, did promise a referendum on whether the UK should sign up to the proposed EU constitution.

However, he was spared this ordeal after voters in France and the Netherlands both rejected the constitution in referendums of their own.

Promises of a referendum have sometimes been used to reassure voters - when there was no real prospect of having one.

The Coalition Government led by David Cameron passed legislation in 2011 requiring the UK government to hold a referendum if it proposed signing a treaty handing more powers to the EU.

But this wasn’t something that any government led by Mr Cameron was going to do anyway.

Strictly speaking, referendums don’t have any real authority. Parliament still decides, and the referendum is merely advisory.

And the truth is that the level of debate in Parliament is vastly superior to what we tend to get in a referendum.

We’ve had three referendums recently, and none of them have been characterised by a high level of debate. They have sometimes, however, been pretty nasty.

Scottish Independence Referendum No voters celebrating as the Aberdeenshire results are announced.
Scottish Independence Referendum No voters celebrating as the Aberdeenshire results are announced.

In 2011 we voted on whether to adopt a new voting system, called AV. This was a cause championed by the Liberal Democrats, members of the coalition government at the time, and it was never clear that there was much public appetite for change.

This didn’t stop opponents pulling out all the stops to try to block it. They published posters showing babies and brave British soldiers who would apparently be robbed of vital funding if we adopted a new voting system.

One showed a baby in an incubator with the words “she needs a new cardiac facility NOT an alternative voting system”. The poster also said: “Say NO to spending £250 million on AV”.

The trouble with this is that the £250 million included the estimated £80 million cost of the referendum - which was spent whatever the result - plus £130 million for a new electronic voting system, which nobody was actually calling for. It was just wrong.

The Scottish referendum in 2014 unleashed a wave of real nastiness, as opponents took to Twitter to abuse each other.

Independence campaigners insisted the UK would be willing to share control of Sterling with a newly independent neighbour, even though all the evidence and common sense suggested this was simply wrong.

An independent Scotland could, of course, adopt Sterling as its currency - or the US Dollar, or the New Zealand Dollar for that matter. Any country can use any currency it likes, but the real issue is whether you have any control over your currency, a point fudged by independence campaigners.

And now we have the EU referendum.

Watch: The EU referendum explained

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Leave campaigners say we send £350 million to the EU every week - a claim which is technically true but highly misleading. We get around £80 million a week back immediately in the form of the rebate, for example.

Meanwhile, Chancellor George Osborne, who backs the remain campaign, says every household will be £4,300 a year worse off if we leave. But this based on a prediction by experts who looked at the possible fall in national economic output, rather than the wealth of individual families. They are not the same thing.

It’s a lot harder to get away with this sort of rubbish in a House of Commons debate.

Some people might feel this is a rather patronising thing to say about the great British public. It implies they are less able to understand arguments, and to sift the facts from the lies, than politicians.

But it’s true. They are.

And after all, we employ MPs to consider these things. They are supposed to investigate the facts and use their judgement.

They have to explain themselves to us. And if we don’t think they’re doing a good job, we can sack them.

I’m all in favour of democracy, but I agree with Maggie Thatcher - and, indeed, with the likes of former Labour leader Michael Foot, another great believer in Parliamentary democracy.

The traditional system of sending MPs to Westminster where they exercise their judgement on our behalf, and face the verdict of voters every four or five years, isn’t perfect but it works fairly well. It’s certainly better than having constant referendums.

So let’s go back to that.