Up to 650 new homes will be built on the former Selly Oak Hospital site in Birmingham despite fears of increased pressure on school places and local roads.

City councillors have ruled that the University Hospitals Trust can develop the 17 hectare site and help meet Birmingham's demand for thousands of new homes.

Speaking on behalf of the hospital Nick Hardy said: “This development is highly beneficial, it will deliver affordable housing and new jobs.”

He added that eight heritage buildings, including the water tower and the well block would also be preserved and restored.

But local councillors had previously objected that the site should be used for industrial development to create much needed jobs, while neighbouring residents were worried about pressure on local services.

Resident William Gripp said: “With all these new homes, what is going to happen about school provision? And we already have busy roads.”

He was told that the hospital has committed to pay £1.7 million towards school places in the immediate area once construction begins.

Planning officer Simon Turner said that while the site had recently been quiet it used to be a fully-functioning hospital and there would be ‘much less traffic than there used to be’.

Committee member Coun Maureen Cornish (Con, Sutton Four Oaks) said that the schools issue needs to be dealt with carefully.

“We already have a shortage of school places across the city and are extending existing schools. At some point we have got to look at new schools.”

The Victorian Society had objected to the loss of part of an old Victorian Workhouse complex, but the planning committee was told that only a building at the back of the complex would be demolished.

Ideal Estates has also threatened legal action against the council after it emerged that there would not be a road link from Elliot Road onto the site.

The company said that it had been told to keep land aside for a road link in earlier discussions with the council.